Reflection on 'What is Design' and chapter one of 'Interaction Design - Beyond Human-Computer Interaction'

What is Design?  lecture by Bill Moggridge

Based on this week's assignment, I think I will find the textbook helpful due to the technical information it provides, but will find the videos and articles a better source for concepts and ideas.

I really appreciated the the model of phone call services and the activities presented in the text; I think that they provided a way of thinking about design that I will be able to apply to challenges given in class. The list of roles that emerged as interactions became more complex and required more diverse skills was interesting, I had never heard of an information architect or a usability engineer, but those roles being specialized ones makes a lot of sense.

Bill Moggridge's talk was helpful in that it cemented some concepts that I had a tangential grasp on, as well as pointing out things I had barely considered.  I think my favorite thing he talked about was his iceberg metaphor: that the things that can be consciously taught about design are only the tip of the iceberg, and that most of the learning and understanding happens subconsciously.


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