Metrics Versus Experience

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I thought that the name of the article (Metrics Versus Experience) was interesting simply because the first point of the article was "don't frame stuff as 'Metrics Versus Experience.'"  The actual content of the article was a nice insight into something I am only barely aware of:  the metrics used to analyze the success of a website or product.  I have interacted with them in terms of Instagram(there is a feature that lets you see how many people have seen a post and how many people have interacted with a post, and how those numbers stack up against your other posts) and Google analytics(which lets you see where people who access your website are from and how they are getting to the site), but I have never had to use them to better execute a product.  In Zhou's article, she talks about different ways to figure out which metrics you should actually track, and I liked the way she explained it because it's similar to the way I tend to solve problems, so it was nice to receive some validation there.  Something that would have been interesting to read in the article (although I understand that this article was written for professionals who have an established product) is a sort of rubric for what a new product should have to hit some basic metrics.  This is something I am curious about, but don't have a concrete idea of what it would need.  Hopefully this is something I will figure out over the course of this class.

Discussion Questions:
Is there a way you could use these metrics during the prototyping phase?

How would you apply the thought process put into selecting metrics to track to other problems?


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